Monday, February 25, 2013

Line 12: Reflections on my Progess

This week Obsidian continued to make progress towards becoming prepared for POSSCON. When we met tonight, we had a conversation about what we would need for the convention. A table and chairs were to be provided to us, but we planned out what our table would look like. We planned on a monitor mirroring one of our computers, so that we could run demos on popular open source projects for people who come by the booth. We also thought that it might be a good idea to have another computer open to people, so that they can sign up for our mailing list if they are interested in the project. We also decided that we would have our poster prepared, so that we have something else to show at the convention. We also discussed the possibility of creating a little script for the convention. Just something that would echo the command line arguments to run Obsidian on projects. This would create an easy and fast way to run it, without having to type out the lines yourself. We didn't reach a conclusion on this front, as some members thought that such a script would not impress visitors to our booth, because it might seem like we didn't know how to run our own project. I personally think that the idea of a script has merit, just for simplicities sake, but it remains to be seen whether we will pursue this idea.

Next we split up the responsibilities for documentation for the next milestone that is due on 2/27. My personal responsibilities are adding JUnit documentation, and writing about modifying test cases. You can check out the rest of the group's assignments on their personal blogs, or on the wiki for our class. The goal is to have a first pass over the documentation completed by Wednesday.

We also finished solving our second bugs since last week. On Sunday, I submitted a diff file to Hunter so that he can add it to the full project. We decided that we are going to use diff files to continue to patch Obsidian, so we were using this week to standardize the procedure. We ended up closing Issues 7 and 4 over the weekend.

I am sort of struck by a sense of being slightly burned out from investing so much time in the project, and it feels like a lot of the team is getting to be right there with me. It was to be expected as the school year went on and the course load started getting heavier, but it is still disheartening that we seem to be slowing down our progress. I spoke with Hunter about the growing sense of ennui, and he agreed that school was catching up with him as well. I have a feeling that this week is going to be hard to get through, and that we might fall behind schedule here. Since our deadline is so much earlier than the rest of the classes' due to POSSCON, it is imperative that this does not happen. I am going to try extra hard this week to try to push through the rest of my work, so that our project continues to stay on the schedule that we set for it.

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