Monday, March 11, 2013

Line 13: After the break...

Well, Spring break has come and gone, and Team Obsidian is back on track in a big way. Before the break, I was expressing concern over our ability to remain on schedule, due to my own feelings of exhaustion. That prediction turned out to be slightly correct, as the team had a stumble in the last week leading to break. Few of us had what could be considered a "first pass" on our documentation assignments done, and that marked the first time we had ever been late on a deadline. Luckily, the spring break buffer zone allowed us to refocus, and when we met this evening the first pass was indeed complete, and we had made marked progress towards the completion of our final versions of these documents.

We also saw some progress on the enhancements to Obsidian, and we are virtually bug free at the moment (though I have no doubts that the finalizations of the enhancements will add plenty to be squashed). We are all familiar enough with the code to write about it, and seem to have been keeping up the stride we set at the beginning of the semester.

POSSCON is in two weeks from now, so we have also been organizing ourselves for that. We have been granted a booth, in a very good location I might add, and we are getting prepared to go. We used this evening to plan out what we needed to do before POSSCON, and start doing some of those them. These tasks include plans on how we are setting up the booth, who is driving whom, and what we need to bring for the show.

Since it is creeping up on us slowly, we have decided to bump up our meetings from two to three a week. Friday has been added, with the intent of using it to get work done. We will basically sit together in the conference room after class, and go about our personal assignments. Because we are together, we can ask questions of the group and make decisions rapidly, which should speed up the process quite a bit.

As for me, I suffered a little disaster over spring break. My laptop of 5 years bit the dust because of a hardware malfunction. The basic gist of it is that the part that delivers power to the screen has broken down and needs to be replaced. For a while, I thought this would severely impede my progress on Obsidian, however Michael Cole loaned me a spare laptop he had, and I was able to resume my work. My laptop has been packed up and sent off to have its part replaced, and it should be back before POSSCON.

Anyways, things are looking good with the group, and I am glad that we managed to keep on schedule, because it should mean a lot less stress in the long run. We are all looking forward to POSSCON, and want to produce the best project we can before it arrives.

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