Monday, February 18, 2013

Line 10: That could be me in x years

Tomorrow, in lieu of class, we will all be attending the Alumni Symposium for the computer science department. The point of this event is to allow graduates to come back to school and recollect on their first year of work. They cover topics like how they got their jobs, how they are fitting in, and what the school taught them that they found helpful in the real world. The whole thing is to get those who are close to graduating, like myself, some helpful advice for finding our own job in the future.

When I went to Sparc a few weeks ago, we met one of the speakers, Joshua Walton, who spoke to us for a moment as we took our tour. Since I already made contact with him, and Sparc seems like a cool place to work, his will probably be the talk I am most interested in. The other speakers seem interesting as well though. One of the interesting things about this symposium is that it focuses mostly on new graduates, but we have a few veteran speakers as well. I think that the input that they can give would really help me in my future job search.

In Obsidian news, we recently solved a slew of bugs. Last Wednesday we had a meeting to report on our solved bugs, and we each submitted our fixes to the repository. It was heartening to solve a bug, and even more so that each of us managed to solve ours with little to no problems. So, because of me and my group, the Obsidian project is now a little bit better. That feels pretty good. For a complete list of what we solved and how we solved it, you can always check our Google Code Issue Tracker. You will have to search through all of them for the completed ones though.

For next Wednesday we will each have hopefully solved another bug. The one I am currently casing out is Issue 3. We need a better naming algorithm for Test Classes because of discrepancies when programmers have already created a Test Class. The current algorithm just adds -Test to the end of the class name, since this is a pretty standard naming convention, whenever Obsidian has to name a Test Class, there is a high likelihood of it being named something like ClassTestTest, which would correspond to This confuses Obsidian, because it will look at, and assume that it is the Obsidian Test Class, when it is in fact another programmer's Test Class. This causes many inconsistencies, and is a problem that needs to be addressed.

To solve it, I am probably just going to make more obscure naming convention, and refactor some code to make the search for obsidian test classes a bit more accurate. I think that this should guarantee that Obsidian always finds the test case that it wrote, and will solve the problem. I trust that the rest of the team will have theirs done by Wednesday as well.

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