Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Line 3: FOSS Experiences and Reflections

Over the weekend we had a mini exercise to give us a refresher on downloading and building open source software. We were simply expected to get any open source project, and construct it on our machine. Since I am working with Team Obsidian, and Hunter is still putting some finishing touches on his code before he makes it public to us, I downloaded and built my project from last semester again.

Last semester I worked with a team to develop an automated testing framework for the Google Visualization Suite, specifically focusing on Google Charts. So, I re-downloaded and built the code again on my machine. It went off pretty much without a hitch, since I had done the same thing a semester ago.

With that done, I set about on some activities for my team. I had been put of setting up the IRC channel for our project on freenode.net. We discussed using freenode, because it is very popular among open source projects. So, Michael Cole and I went onto IRC to play around and check out some channels. We investigated #obsidian, #obsidiantest, and #obsidiantesting. The #obsidian room had another person in it, but both other rooms were not owned at all. We decided to register #obsidiantesting for now, and try to obtain the room #obsidian in the future, as it does not seem to be in active use.

After this, I tackled the second part of our homework. This was to read the paper “The Cathedral and the Bazaar” by Eric S. Raymond. This paper was about the author’s experiences as he was developing a mail client using Linus Torvalds’ approach to open source software development. These principles basically come down to releasing early and often, and allowing as many people to help you develop as you possibly can. He compares this approach to a Bazaar, where anyone can set up and contribute to the market in their own way. This is in comparison to traditional software development, in which a few designers are responsible for all major decisions. They decide the direction of the project, and are ultimately responsible for the final incarnation.

He compares and contrasts the two methods, and ultimately walks away very impressed with the bazaar style. He numbers out notions that he considers to be very important to this development style, from the very easy release early and often, to other findings. One that really grabbed my attention was the idea that if you communicate with your beta testers like they are your greatest asset, they will become your greatest asset. I liked this part, because he talked about many methods of communicating with his testers, and how they met his enthusiasm with equal enthusiasm of their own.

One other thing I found interesting was his theory on why Linux has such a high quality of code. He posits that because the people working on the project are so excited about the part they are working on, they make it much better than they would had they been forced to work on something they were not interested in or did not love. I agree with this theory quite a bit, and I think that it bodes well for our project. All of our team members seem to be very enthusiastic and proactive about tackling the parts of the project that they were assigned.

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